“ If today is the day, make it tomorrow".

Our Calling…

The waters and the Earth only ask for our respect. That respect is rewarded with release and respite. If you are going through depression or considering self harm, come out on the water with us. No questions asked. Just reach out to @__nje_ , @_thesps or email us in the contacts and put “NJE” in the subject line. Sweetwater has been the easiest place to meet, but we can choose another state park and float for an hour or so. Just show up and be you. Everything is provided.


(pronounced: In-JAY)

Meaning: “out”, “as you are” or “ outside” in Swahili.

It’s inspired by the stories of those who have made it one more day and find a way to keep making it. We see you and we look for you. NJE is also inspired from those who find the slivers of joy. Little Black Light, thanks for blessing us with your name and reminding us that we are making the world better for your generation.